How to sum up these past couple of months?
But also
It's encouraging to see the stacks of pottery
sitting on the shelves waiting to be sanded
knowing that this is my best work yet.
That the business is set now to be what I have dreamed it could.
That my schedule of long days of Bus, school, pottery and photography
have not been unfruitful.
But there's been this fear.
that I'll make the same mistakes as in the past
That the whenever the formula for success includes me
the recipe is ruined.
Overcoming that lie will take some time and practice
Tonight's recipe was homemade hot sauce.
I had a large number of hot peppers aging (read as starting to rot)
in my fridge, which I had been avoiding for some time.
I love hot sauces, but had developed this fear of them
believing that somehow I would not be able to handle the spice anymore
Like I've not been able to handle many of the difficult things lately.
Cook, and blend
What could be simpler?
and in the end so marvelously green and delicious
it's first job will be coating on wings.
I think I'll like that.
Ramble ramble
Did I mention my sister Colleen is coming to live and work with me?
So cool.