Monday, April 30, 2007

Camping taxes your mind.

Went out camping for the first time this year,
headed straight west to the lakeside
then hiked a short distance North into the
Eastshore Wildlife Mangement Zone.
This is one of my favorite areas
a narrow stip about one kilometre wide running
along most of the east shore of Last Mountain Lake.
The natural prairie has been preserved here, and wildlife is abundant

The crocuses are in full bloom
pressing their way though the dense last year's grass.
The air was full of waterfowl
and they continued through the night
with their calls and warbles.
I did not get much sleep.

I sat up and watched a beaver swim back and forth in front of me
curious as to what I was,
several times it swam up to the shallows stood up and stared at me
then after becoming comfortable with my presence
went about it's search for food.
I've never heard such loud chewing!
With the birds and the beaver, there was not much hope for a restful night.
So tossing and turning I lay under the moonlight
This was a bit too of a struggle through depression
Coming to terms with who I am (have become)
It's a greater challenge than I ever imagined.

I had been internally kicking myself over lack of foresight(again)
regardign income tax. And having not held any reserve funds
I was anxious over what had come to a rather large amount
(It was a good year for sales!)
So after the night of wrestling
I drove home to edit the new photographs
My best patron phoned wondering if she could stop by and pick up some pottery.
we agreed that Sunday afternoon would be best.
God's been putting His thumb on my self reliance lately
and trying to turn me to trusting Him again fully.

Sunday afternoon came
And this lovely Christian lady,
though she may not have been aware of it,
came as a gift from God,
and left me with my taxes paid
and money in the bank to spare.
What grace to walk in.
Thank you Lord.

God bringing good out of the thorns of my own foolishness
now the lesson is to not continue in sin
hoping that grace may increase.


Monday, April 23, 2007


I've just redone my Creative Site
Click the link at right to access it
It has more photography and new pottery pics up.

I shutter at the thought!

I took hundreds of pictures yesterday,
took the afternoon and evening heading West, ending up at the lake waiting for dusk and sunset.
It was not disappointing.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Trying to get lost

Today after work I went out on the back roads looking for photographs.
Farther and farther chasing after the elusive sunlight which was being stolen by the bank of clouds sliding underneath it. Chasing animals and light, I turned on roads which led to trails,

The trails went to low spots, where with the spring runoff,
they were impassible, so off the trails I drove into the fields full of
geese, ducks and sandhill cranes, flying wildly away from my coming.

In the end darkness prevailed,
but for this night,
and rain in it's blanket
encouraged the welcome warmth of soup.

The sun shall rise again.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Crazy new Camera

A pic from my new Nikon D80!
So complex and beautiful and so much to learn.
I'm hoping to unlock it's many secrets over the next few months.

This shot is from Duval.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Getting off track

Update on the train...

Seems that a set of wheels came loose and were dragging down the middle of the track for around five miles.


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Getting on track

I've started a series of photo collages about the railway, and providentially this week a train provided an interesting subject.
It appears that the train was dragging some very heavy object, as the ties leading up to the crossing had deep depressions in them.
The crossing itself had a deep rut torn down the centre.

The collage consists of around 200 pictures and will likely be around 3feet by 9feet