Friday, December 01, 2006

Acting out

So these past couple of weeks I've been learning
what was essentially a monologue, which I
performed Thursday and Wednesday this week!
First real acting I've done in years. I forgot
how difficult memorizating is.
The performances went well, such a strange
feeling standing and walking around a crowd of
150 women having them all stare at you.
I played the part of the innkeeper in Bethlehem
speaking of the promised coming of the Messiah
while turning away knockers at the inn door.
Strange how the words became much more powerful
in front of the audience.
I guess life itself feels more full and right too,
when we like those words I memorized, are
out working where we were intended.
God's promise for purpose and fullfilling joy
in this life, can only come when we are
out working in His world. That's where we
are to be. Though the "words" he provides us to
memorize are different every time.

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